Jumat, 22 November 2013

Decorating for Thanksgiving

Decorating for Thanksgiving can go beyond setting a beautiful table. I found these two giant acorn ornaments for my sideboard yesterday at HomeGoods for $5.99. After Thanksgiving, they will go on the Christmas tree. I also still have all my heirloom pumpkins (uncarved) from Halloween for an outdoor display at my door. These will go out in the trash after Thanksgiving, but they still look wonderful after almost two months.

Here are more great ideas for decorating your home for Thanksgiving. Tomorrow, we will look at setting the Thanksgiving table with Chinoiserie.

Jennifer (The Pink Pagoda) and I were chatting about Thanksgiving and turkey. Do you feel like you are "required" to eat turkey on Thanksgiving? Don't tell anyone, but we are having lobster.

The front door

Orange mums in blue and white Chinese porcelain

Orange lampshades

Orange pillows

Orange mums in blue and white Chinese porcelain

Orange velvet pillows with Greek key

An orange lamp

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